The “digital”, often associated with a notion of transformation, entered the daily vocabulary of companies as obvious. There is no doubt that it covers notions with variable geometries according to the interlocutors, trades, profiles, ages.

The movement that the Group has initiated is concrete and pragmatic: the Group’s digital transformation is driven by the business lines for the business lines.
We have organized and distributed our expertise in two entities: a “Digital Factory” and a “Data Factory”. Their mission is to support the Group’s innovations and business transformations.
The notion of Factory covers:
- Management of activities through “Value Added to the profession”, the main thread running through projects,
- An essential driver during design: “user experience”, a determining criterion for success,
- “Agile” development methods with business referents (Product Owner), stakeholders in deliverables in co-production,
- Organizations sized to meet very short delivery times (Time to market) in order to design “products with minimum value” (MVP) as quickly as possible.
On the technical side, the strategy is based on the Microsoft Azure platform. Beyond the accelerator opportunities it brings thanks to all the services and bricks available, it secures all criteria of scalability, security, performance.The Digital Factory has demonstrated its added value and has also positioned itself as an “expert partner” with the Innovation Department for major digital transformation projects: Park’In Saclay, WattWay, Flowel or Anais.
The Data Factory, on the other hand, has undertaken numerous projects for collecting, structuring, cleaning, saving and restoring data. These are the first steps towards “Big Data” which will allow the group’s activities to benefit from all the opportunities of data science.
Digital Transformation is therefore very real and will become increasingly necessary to ensure the Colas group its position as world leader in the road.