
Last name: Nicolas
Job’s title : IT Customer Service Manager South East Territory 

When did you join Colas Digital Solutions? I joined Colas in 2015 when I joined the local IT department at Colas Midi Méditerranée. I continued my local IT missions in the territory as a SPEIG employee and then in April 2016 at Colas Digital Solutions. In 2021, I was given responsibility for Customer Service in the South East region.

Can you tell us about your current job? What does your job involve? My role as Customer Service Manager is first and foremost to manage the team, which consists of 7 employees and 2 apprentices, whose aim is to carry out various local assignments throughout the Rhône Alpes Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur and Corsica regions.

If we detail the team’s missions a bit, we’re talking about deployment projects following decisions taken by CDS and the Group (telephony teams, switch renewal, etc.), remote and local animation/training, on-site interventions in the event of breakdowns mandated by internal services or by the territory, business projects (relocations, company takeovers, site closures or base installations) and finally, supporting our users in their digital transformation.

Next, I have a role as a communicator within my assigned territory. This involves bridging the gap between the IT teams and the business units (editor’s note: Colas Territoire Sud-Est), i.e. listening to the needs of our users and at the same time communicating and understanding the challenges and new solutions implemented by Colas.

Finally, I regularly take part in various committees dealing with future projects or improvements to our IS, so as to contribute our expertise in the field and then facilitate production rollouts.

What do you like about your job? What I like about my job is the wide variety of subjects I have to deal with, and the challenge of moving from one subject to another while remaining reactive that drives each day. It’s also about being as close as possible to our users, so that we can always learn and understand their needs.

What’s important in carrying out your missions? The most important thing for us to succeed in our missions is both the cohesion of the team (within the territory) to ensure greater responsiveness and a strong sense of solidarity among CDS employees. Our day-to-day work in the field requires a high degree of cross-functionality and easy interdepartmental exchange, so that we can provide Colas employees with a rapid, high-quality response.

“The most important thing in carrying out our missions is both team cohesion and extreme solidarity between CDS employees! …”


Julie Sancrant - Colas Digital Solutions


Last name: Labiba
Job’s title : Head of Business Software and Design Department.

Since when have you been at Colas Digital Solutions? I arrived in spring 2019 as a service provider, supporting the migration project to ServiceNow for the ITMS, Catalog and Service Request Management processes. On March 1, 2022, I joined Colas Digital Solutions as head of the Business Software and Design Office division. This department is essentially responsible for managing the software licenses supplied to the various Colas Road and Rail businesses.

Can you tell us about your current job? What does your job involve? My team, made up of 9 people based in France, Morocco and Mauritius, is responsible for managing the entire lifecycle of validated software: needs analysis, purchasing, etc., and handling requests and incidents, thus ensuring a high quality of service.

What do you like about your job? What I like about my job is the contact and exchanges with very different people, as well as the satisfaction of feeling useful to the smooth running of the Colas Group’s businesses.

What is important to successfully carry out your missions? The most important thing in my job is to listen to and share with team members, so that each and every one of them can carry out his or her missions and best meet the expectations and needs of Colas users.

“The most important thing in my job is to listen to and share with team members…”


Julie Sancrant - Colas Digital Solutions


Last name: Pascal
Job’s title : IT Cybersecurity Lead

Since when have you been at Colas Digital Solutions? I arrived just after the “year 2000 bug”, fresh out of school. Colas was my first job. I’ve been there ever since, working in the IT department, and even in IT infrastructures.

Can you tell us about your current job? What does your job involve? I’m in charge of the Operational CyberSecurity team, which currently consists of 10 people. We are responsible for selecting, implementing and deploying security solutions for the entire Colas group. Our scope ranges from “anti-virus” solutions (today we talk about desktop protection), to securing Internet browsing, securing our applications deployed in the cloud, securing exchanges between applications as well as email exchanges, protecting everyone’s identity and also handling security incidents.

What do you like about your job? Everything the variety of subjects, the international dimension, team management, reporting to management, security issues, cross-functionality within Colas DS. The small day-to-day advances as well as the big projects!

What is important to successfully carry out your missions? In my case, it’s important to be able to rely on a quality team, to define priorities well and to set a clear course with a vision over several years to anticipate the next developments in safety and its transformation.

“In my case, it’s important to be able to rely on a quality team…”


Julie Sancrant - Colas Digital Solutions


Last name: Apolline
Job’s title : Product Owner

In few words, tell me more about your job : My role consists of defending the overall vision of the product, exploring and prioritizing functional requirements in close collaboration with the business teams, and communicating this vision to the technical teams responsible for developing the application.

When did you join Colas Digital Solutions? : After working with Colas Digital Solutions as a service provider for two years, I officially joined CDS in July 2022 in the role of Product Owner. Since March 2023, I’ve been working as Product Owner in the team in charge of the Chantier 360 application, which is responsible for monitoring construction projects.

What do you prefer in your job? : I enjoy interacting with a variety of people with different profiles, ranging from different fields of activity to different age groups and roles within the company. This interaction fosters the development of adaptability and communication skills. 

What are the most important skills to do your job? : I consider strong interpersonal skills to be essential, as is the ability to critically assess the long-term viability and relevance of the product. Curiosity is also important, as it enables me to listen to feedback from users as well as technical teams, fostering a collaborative and innovative approach. 


“One of the exciting aspects of my job lies in designing optimal solutions to meet functional requirements.”


Julie Sancrant - Colas Digital Solutions


Last name Amaury 
Job’s title : Business Intelligence Manager 

Seniority at Colas : 4 years

Your job in a few words: Simply : “Implementation of a reporting tool for Colas employees in order to make all data (the data) accessible”. In my team, we work from development to production. In a way, I am a translator between the figures and their meaning for Colas employees.


Your journey in a few words : I come from Orleans. I did a master MIAGE then I worked 8 years at Lexmark and 3 years at Telem Assurance.


The major quality for doing your job well : To make a good manager, I think you have to know how to do what you ask of others. You have to be able to manage compromise, and have a strong pedagogy. If I had to sum up to a quality I would say : anticipation.


The final word : “Don’t give a hungry fish a fish, teach him how to fish.” 


What you prefer in your job : I like to participate in the skills development of employees.

Do you have a leitmotif? You have to be curious, proactive and always look for workarounds. “Think outside the box”.

The thing you’re most proud of : I make my own beer, I’m planning on making a new beer for Christmas.


Last name : Laetitia 
Job’s title : Application functional expert 

Your journey in a few words : I was in the IT department of a subsidiary of Group Colas, and since April 2016 I joined CDS for work as a functional expert. In all, I have been working in the Colas Group for 10 years.


Your job in a few words : I take care of level 3 support. I manage the deployment and configuration part of the COUPA application (purchase management application) and I am in charge of the automation of user requests.


The major quality for doing your job well : I think that what is important is versatility, and above all the ability to manage work under stress.


An advice for a student who wants to get started in your field : “You have to give yourself the means and know where you want to go. When you’re motivated, you can accomplish anything.”

What you prefer in your job : What I like is the fact that I don’t have time to get bored and that the challenges are constant.

The thing you are most proud of : I am proud of my career and my professional achievements.