
Last name Amaury 
Job’s title : Business Intelligence Manager 

Seniority at Colas : 4 years

Your job in a few words: Simply : “Implementation of a reporting tool for Colas employees in order to make all data (the data) accessible”. In my team, we work from development to production. In a way, I am a translator between the figures and their meaning for Colas employees.

Your journey in a few words : I come from Orleans. I did a master MIAGE then I worked 8 years at Lexmark and 3 years at Telem Assurance.


The major quality for doing your job well : To make a good manager, I think you have to know how to do what you ask of others. You have to be able to manage compromise, and have a strong pedagogy. If I had to sum up to a quality I would say : anticipation.


The final word : “Don’t give a hungry fish a fish, teach him how to fish.” 


What you prefer in your job : I like to participate in the skills development of employees.

Do you have a leitmotif? You have to be curious, proactive and always look for workarounds. “Think outside the box”.

The thing you’re most proud of : I make my own beer, I’m planning on making a new beer for Christmas.


Last name: Julie
Job’s title : International IT director

In few words, tell me more about your job : I manage 25 countries and I am in charge of around 80 IT collaborators. As a director, I do not directly manage them but I am taking strategic decision about what they are working on. 

Why did you choose to work at Colas? : I started 5 years ago in Colas ISS in Denver. I chose it because of its international presence. 

What do you prefer in your job?I enjoy the travel and working with many different people because they all have their own culture that I have to take in count. I learnt on the field all those various differences between countries. 

What are the most important skills to do your job? : I think the ability to listen is important to install trust with users. In addition, in my job, I have to be flexible. 

Do you have a leitmotif? : Yes, it could be “don’t make things harder than it need to be 

Do you have a last word to conclude? : “Colas (and its subsidiaries) is one of the best company in terms of opportunities and potentials.” 


If you have an advice to give to a student, what it could be? : I will tell him it is important to remain flexible and open minded in order not to miss opportunities. Moreover, I will advise them to be aware of different perspectives. 

Since you get expatriate, what did it bring to you (in professional and personal life)? : Professionally, I wanted to get closer from the Colas headquarters to understand easier how the company work. In a personal way, I just want to say that I am proud about my mobility in France because I took up the challenge.  

Julie Sancrant - Colas Digital Solutions


Last name : Laetitia 
Job’s title : Application functional expert 

Your journey in a few words : I was in the IT department of a subsidiary of Group Colas, and since April 2016 I joined CDS for work as a functional expert. In all, I have been working in the Colas Group for 10 years.


Your job in a few words : I take care of level 3 support. I manage the deployment and configuration part of the COUPA application (purchase management application) and I am in charge of the automation of user requests.


The major quality for doing your job well : I think that what is important is versatility, and above all the ability to manage work under stress.


An advice for a student who wants to get started in your field : “You have to give yourself the means and know where you want to go. When you’re motivated, you can accomplish anything.”

What you prefer in your job : What I like is the fact that I don’t have time to get bored and that the challenges are constant.

The thing you are most proud of : I am proud of my career and my professional achievements.